Friday, December 26, 2008

It's New Year's Resolution time, and time to look back on last year's and see how I've done...

New Year's Resolution Update....

It's 2008, and time for a final review of my 2007 new year's resolutions, as well as making my 2008 resolutions.

- Spend more time with my husband. Individual time...quality time. Not, let's run to the grocery store time. So, overall, I think we've done better at this. Definitely can work towards more in 2008, but I think our time together may have become more limited at times, it was quality when we had it. We have some work to do. Work got in the way....Ben's schedule changed and we don't see eachother much.

- Further my education. This does not have to be in the form of actual schooling, but I want to learn more about something. It doesn't even have to be school related, or degree related. I just want to enlighten myself more. Anyone have any suggestions? I have read, read, and read somemore. I've learned some more. Goals for 2008: look into Graduate school more actively and learn to scrapbook. Yeah, so, not so much. I did a little scrapbooking this year, but still haven't taken any classes. I have, however, learned how to sew (basic, but still) and am looking into Graduate school, but not with any seriousness. That will change soon.

- Focus on my health. Ah, the innevitable blip about how I do not focus enough on my health goals, and therefore every year challenge myself to do something about it. This year will be no different. At least, in the challenge that is. Hopefully, with some due dilegence, the outcome will change. Focus includes getting rid of excess weight, unwanted cough, blood pressure medicine, and crazy pills. Crazy pills would be an amazing feat....those are likely with me for life. So my health has been a bit of a rollercoaster....but overall, it's been much better than before. I haven't stuck to the gym like I should, but I have dropped approximately 15 lbs since last year that has remained off, and overall I feel healthier than ever. I made huge strides in changing my health this year. I had weight loss surgery, and am down close to 50lbs. I have a ways to go, but I'm focused. I need to be more dedicated and get my ass in the gym like immediately to further my success, but I am so proud of the steps I've taken thus far. A change has done me good! I feel great!

- Be happier. Stop going through the motions of life and enjoy them. Take some time to stop and smell the roses. Definitely made huge strides here. I have stopped to smell a lot of roses, and worried a lot less. Not happy for the most part. I need to make some changes.

- See friends and family more. Spend that free time seeing people that you don't normalily get to. See friends as much as possible. Visit family as much as possible. Friends has gotten needs to be seen more. Still need to work on this.

- Plan outings. Go to them. That's gonna be carried over to 2008. Still need to work on this. But I have varied my interests this year and seen things I've always wanted to see. Also, we're going to New York for Thanksgiving next year, so I am super excited. New York City, here I come!!!

- Eliminate something significant off that "always wanted to do list." Current ideas: make the t-shirt quilt (this could also serve as the education, since I would need both to complete this task), jump out of a plane, visit California, just to name a few. Ideas? Ok, so I've done a lot of firsts this year....and still coming up with new ones all the time. This has been great!

- Get myself promoted and out of this current position as near as possible to September 1st. This goal is actually carried over from 2006, but can not be accomplished earlier than the September 1st date. I told myself I'd be in this position for a year...Sept. 1st will be the one year date. Yeah....that's a mess. BIG changes with work recently....fingers crossed that it's gotten better...

- Do not quit my job in March. Sounds silly, I know, but I have a track record of 3.5 years with a company. March 07 will be my 3.5 year mark. I don't have any intentions of leaving, and do not really want to, but it all starts out that way. If I do leave, make it worth while. Still there and ticking! I'm a survivor!!

- Love more, argue less. Smile more, pout less. Definitely improved. Work has not helped this.

- Overcome my cold calling weaknesses. Not even a fear anymore.

- Don't get fired. So, I don't think I'm at risk, never know. =) I'm a survivor!!

- Learn to love my current position. Yeah, another long story. We'll see...

- Complete this list prior to December 31, 2007. Not bad.... And so starts another one.

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Irony of Election Day...

Today's election day. A pivotal day in the future of our country. Like many of my fellow American's, I stood in line today to cast my vote for our country. I hope you did the same.

On this serious day, I couldn't help but find humor in the scenes I passed. As I drove up to my polling place and walked to the end of the 400 person line, I was struck by how white and Republican we all looked. Talk about stereotyping a group - here we all stood, most of us with our hair perfectly quaffed, our nicely pressed clothing and our designer bags, standing peacefully in line waiting for our turn to change the future. The campaigners stood quietly by the road, raising signs and waving at passing cars and everyone kept to themselves. Is the group actually predominantly Republican? I don't know. But, I would say 300 of us fit the WASP description perfectly....guess I learned today the type of area I live in (not a bad thing...I like a quiet neighborhood). After an hour in line, I completed my task, hopped in my car, and headed on my way.

A couple of hours later, I was headed down Silver Star Road, in the direction of Pine Hills. I had passed several other polling locations along the way, all with varying types of scenes displayed out in front. And then I hit Pine Hills, and the irony of it all hit me.

Just as I crossed over Pine Hills Road, I was greeted by a group of barely 18 year old African American girls, standing in the middle of the road waving Cambrio signs (I dont' know who that is either...not on our voting list), booty dancing to music blasting from the precinct parking lot. The smell of bbq filled the air and what seemed like insanity ensued in the parking lot. Signs were everywhere there was a free spot of land, and the whole thing was a sight you could not miss.

Now, I don't point this out for race purposes, to pick on anyone. I just found the irony in how different cultures and different people live. How funny, that I can drive less than five miles down the road, and be greeted by what seemed like a completely different world? Interesting how some of us take the day so stoicly, as if it were a job, and others celebrate, as if it were a right. I have to appreciate the other precinct for remembering that this is a RIGHT and not a DUTY.

Who has it right? Who knows. Do we have to have it one way or the other? No. But seeing this, I felt like it was clearly divided as to which precinct favored which candidate....and how different people are all other.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Beautiful Girl

In your life, you often find a line from a movie that will touch you deeply...make you think, change the way you think, or open your eyes to a completely different view. I love movies. I love the brilliant writers that write brilliant dialouge between characters that touches your heart and your soul. Most of the time, you find that in B movies. Deep movies very rarely make it to "A" status. If so, I think it would be safe to say that it's typically for the wrong reason, and has nothing to do with the story or the characters, but the hype that has been played in order to make lots of money.

In 1994, a brilliant movie was released that never did well in the theaters. Beautiful Girls was a story about a group of people who grew up together, in a small town, and were trying to make a go of their lives. Their various dramas played out as the protaginist returned to his hometown for the high school reunion. This list of well known actors is long, and well versed. And the writers...well, were downright brilliant.

If you have never seen this film, you must. It's that simple. It's about relationships, about women and men understanding women and the complexity of a woman. The piece below is my favorite part from the's fairly insignificant for the story line, but beautiful and has stayed with me for 14 years. I hope you appreciate it as much as I do.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

From the recesses of my mind...

There are times that emptiness and loneliness creep into my mind and play tricks with my psyche and my heart. They search as dark clouds, shading my happiness and outlook on life. It sucks my energy from my body and empties the deepest recesses of my being. At this time, no one and nothing can pull me out of the funk. Not my husband, not my friends, not my family, not myself....I simply need to hold on tight and pray to survive it.

There is no greater feeling in life than loneliness. Love comes close, but I truly believe loneliness is stronger, due to it's crippling nature. It takes hold of you and squeezes the breath from your lungs, the beat from your heart, and the soul from your being. At those moments, I am at my weakest and my thoughts begin to wander. During those times, I believe that I am unloved, worthless, and no one to anyone. I hate myself, loathe myself, and am cold and empty to my core. The sun disappears on those days. The rays could be blinding, but my mood is so dark that all around me is black. Nothing can change that feeling or bring in the sunshine. At that moment, happy people "don't get it", normal people are the enemies, and dark, broading people are my best friends and biggest allies. I am insecure. I am vulnerable. I am in need.

I want to run, yet my feet are grounded. I want to scream, yet I have no voice. I want to cry, but the tears stream empty and lonely, matching the pits of my soul.

It's a feeling of mourning - missing the gaps in my soul, in my heart. It's triggers vary and are not often the same - but when it happens, I drive fast into the pits of lonely hell and can not see a way out. There is no going back or ignoring the dark clouds looming over me.

How do you avoid it? How do you keep yourself from feeling this way when you don't know what causes it? Why is someone full of love and surrounded by people that love her, feeling the way? Why do I feel so empty sometimes??

I become desperate to fill the emptiness...I see miserable companions. I want someone who understands me, is like me, feels like me. Someone who understands the darkness that surrounds me, and understands me in the darkness. Someone who's lungs are being crushed by the consuming feeling. However, these people only bring me down further, driving me into an even darker hell. We feel each other's mysery...which may be great for a moment of self loathing, but bad for all involved. These are empty friendships and they simply cause more loneliness. They are self absorbed and all consuming and do not drive good.

Eventually, I slowly come out of it. The clouds part, the sun rays begin to glow, the shiny, happy people make an impact on my day. I want the dark people to go be happy too. My heart is still damaged, a small part of it has died forever. But it continues to beat, driving my life, my breath, my being. I come out of the darkness. I am loved again. I am happy again. I am surrounded by my husband, my friends, my family, the important people. But how long before the loneliness and emptiness creep in again?

Friday, October 10, 2008

An amazing message....

It is not often that I will share my political views with invididuals without going into a debate that was welcome by both parties. It is no secret that I am a liberal Republican and not much of a supporter of either candidate at this point. I hope that despite your political beliefs, you will take 1.5 minutes of your life and view this amazing brought tears to my eyes.

As elections near, I hope that we all keep in mind the important things in life - our freedom, our responsibility to this nation, and our loved ones. We are all people, fighting for the same cause, simply with different views on how to get there. Do not forego your opportunity to use your right to vote, regardless of party lines.

Please take a moment to view this video.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

I feel like blogging, but I don't know what to say...

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.... I have no idea why I had the desire to say that. But I felt it necessary.

Ok, in all reality, like the title, I feel the urge to blog, without any reason to...I guess an update is in order.

Work is good and things are looking up. I've been travelling a lot of the past couple of months for work , and I think I'm travelling again out of state in August. In the meantime, I have picked up Daytona, and also still have the Space Coast, so I feel like I'm constantly needing to be somewhere other than where I am. It's a little bit of a restless feeling, but I'm sure it will go away once things settle down a bit.

Speaking of travelling, I've used my work trips to my advantage. In addition, I just recently spent some time in S. Florida, and got to see my family. Short but nice...and a nice escape to my ever busy days.

Ben and I are going on vacation at the end of this week. His sister is getting married, and we decided to spend some time enjoying the beauty of Florida that neither of us have seen...we're spending a couple days in the Keys, and stopping by to see my family in the process (they don't know it I've lived my entire life in Florida and never been to the keys (with the exception of a night in question with the neighbor in which we drove 5 hours down a dark turnpike, dealt with the cops once we arrived, fought with nasty relatives, and a emptied a raided home, only to return back to dear sweet Ocoee before the sun arose...adventuresome, let me tell you).

My surgery is headed towards approval, but I have run into a snaffoo along the way. The surgeron I had selected abruptly left the practice, and I have the option of following him to his not yet open practice and waiting for everything to happen, or working with another surgeon that I know nothing about, and having the actual surgery done in St. Augustine instead of at home. I've gotten some great advice from friends about the whole thing, and I'm proceeding with their, only time will tell. I'm tired of the waiting game though... I'm ready to get past this step.

The puppies are beautiful as always and are currently laying on their asses acting like they do something useful for a living, and therefore deserve a quiet's nice rest...which I assure you will be taken by pinning me into bed and cutting off all oxygen and circulation simultaneously (ah, how I love my babies! )

Ben's fabulous as always...a little stressed with work and changes, but doing well. His schedule has shifted and he's had a hard time adjusting, but gets more rest in the process I believe. His garage has slowed down a bit by his choice, and him and I have been diligently working on the overhaul of the house (the master bathroom is near finished!).

Well, that's all for now...guess I found plenty to say. =)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Things NOT to do while you're in Atlanta...

Last week, I spent the week in Atlanta for training, and then stayed a few extra days with my gay, Paul, to see the city. I enjoyed myself...truly. We had a fabulous time. Check out the pictures that are in my profile. You'll like them.

This is not meant to be a negative message...we truly had a fabulous time. But, if you are going to go to Atlanta, and I highly encourage you do, I provide you with this warning: tennis shoes. Simple, but important. You walk everywhere in Atlanta. Your feet will appreciate it. I wish someone would have told me before I went. Appreciate my will be glad. Boy, my pedicurist is going to be pissed.

When you go, don't miss the following: The Georgian Terrace Hotel (you must stay's dirt cheap and the most beautiful place I've ever been in), the World of Coca-Cola, the Georgia Aquarium, CNN (warning - be prepared for the 55 minute walking tour...we were too tired for it - hence, the message about the tennis shoes), Hard Rock, a Braves game, and the Atlanta Zoo. Trust me on the Aquarium and the Zoo for those of you who live in Orlando and are tainted by the theme parks...we were SO impressed by both of them...and the World of Coca-Cola was just really cool! Oh...and May is a great time to go - the Braves are, in fact, playing, and the weather is beautiful!

All in all, I had a fabulous time and can't wait for my next work initiated trip. me on the tennis shoes. Your feet will thank you! =)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Be Kind to Your Sales People...

I haven't blogged in a while, and this isn't really something that's bothering me, but a point that I feel needs to be made. As most of you know, I'm a sales person. I'm one of those semi-annoying people that shows up or calls at the worst time, asking for a few minutes of your "oh-so-busy" schedule, for something you already know you're not interested in. Now, in my defense, I'm not agressive or annoying like the stereo-typical sales person, and do well at what I do because of the relationships I've built. But, this isn't about how great I am, but how terrible people can be. I will begin those points below:

1. Sales people are sales people because it's their job. We, for the most part, don't like our job anymore than you like yours, or well, ours. We don't hate it, or we wouldn't do it, but be know that you don't want to talk to us any more than we want to talk to you. Don't flatter yourself. We just want your business.

2. Sales people are consumers too. We aren't sub-human, but in fact, the opposite. We still need to grocery shop, get our cars fixed, get massages, etc. We shop and frequent your establishments because of the service and treatment that we get, because we, like every other consumer, expected to be treated fairly and with respect. However, when we're on the other end of the spectrum, wearing our sales person hat, we're not treated well by the same people. Instead, we're often hung up on, throw out of businesses, cussed at, or treated very poorly. Don't forget, we are your consumers too. Treat us bad, and we stop shopping at your establishment.

3. I'm not disullusioned. If I stop shopping at your establishment because of the treatment you gave me, my one bill is not going to make or break your business. However, I have friends, and friends of friends, and family, and suddenly my one becomes a lot more.

Let me share an example: When I first started doing this job 1 1/2 years ago, I had A OK Tire Mart in Apopka on my prospect list. I did some research before contacted them, and saw that they had been using us in the past. Beautiful! A warm call! I picked up the phone and asked for the individual that had been using us, to introduce myself as their sales rep. Innocent, right? I'm not one of those people that calls you at dinner time and asks you to change your car washing service. I simply was calling to introduce myself as your new rep. Well, the manager, Ken, gets on the phone and subsequently treats me like crap. I believe he might have even cussed at me, and if I remember correctly, definitely hug up the phone.

So, at that very moment, I decided I would never visit that establishment.. But again, I'm no big deal to them. I've never actually spent any money with them, and now I've vowed never to. No big loss for them, right? Wrong.

The phone call continued to bother me, and so at the end of the day, I shared this with my husband. The husband, happens to drive a very large Bronco, and was in need of purchasing very expensive new tires. Ones that A OK had happened to carry. But guess what? Sam's got his $850 worth of business. Ouch, not that hurt a bit. But still, let's face it...some other redneck with a big truck would come in and spend the same.

But alas, I also shared my negative experience with my father-in-law, who drives both a motorhome and an SUV. Who also needed tires. Guess who didn't get his business. Yeah, now it's starting to suck a little more. Especially because the father-in-law relies on my husband's suggestion for establishments to frequent - and clearly that wasn't one that he was going to recommend. So now, they're probably out at least $1200. Starting to hurt a little more.

Well, I also drive an SUV. Guess who didn't purchase her tires when she needed them from A OK Tire Mart? Me. I went to one of the chain establishments, was in and out, treated with respect, and got a great tire. I spent $800. Now we're at $2000.

Then there's the fact that my husband runs a small car repair business and relies on the local businesses to provide him with the parts he needs. Guess where he's NOT getting his tires. Yeah...that total is impossible to count. But still, just as painful. But that's only three people that they've lost...not a big deal.

However, in the process of getting treated like that, I've shared it with my sales manager (who spends ridiculous amounts of time on the road and needs tires more often than not), my co-worker (who needed very expensive tires and went somewhere else), and most of my friends and family. They didn't get a recommendation for tires...instead, quite hte opposite. Sucks for them that their establishment has a very memorable name too.

But alas, it's not over. Because, not only have I touched all these people with my distaste for the way that this manager treats it's potential customers, but now I"ve reached 140 of my nearest and dearest via Myspace., now that sucks for them. Yeah, word of mouth is a bitch, isn't it, Ken?

Ok, so that establishment isn't the only one that has treated me poorly, and to be honest, for the most part, it doesn't even bother me. I let the ignorance roll of my back, and remind myself that I'm offering them a service they are already using, and a way to save money with no strings attached and ways to use it easier. But they're not interested in saving money. Too bad, considering their sales just decreased significantly.

I simply want to make a point - when sales people call you, as they are required to do, realize that most of them aren't interested in badgering you, but are simply doing your job. Realize that they are probably offering something you might be interested in, or that is at least worth the listen for the one minute we're asking for. I know you are "oh-so-busy" but it won't hurt you a bit. And if you really don't want to listen to us, which, let's face it, you don't, remember that we are human too, and that we don't like to be cussed at or hung up on any more than you do. It's just as easy to say "I'm not interested but thanks anyway" as it is to say "fuck you, don't call me again." And if you say the first, we're likely to continue to visit your establishment, or maybe even start to visit your establishment, because you clearly get that we're consumers too, and don't want to burn bridges. And then we tell our friends now nice you were, and they tell your friends, and they blog on myspace and your revenue just increased.

So, people...when you get a sales person at your desk or on the phone, when you blow us off, as we expect you will, do it with respect. It will save you a lot of hassle in the end.

Oh, and don't purchase tires at A OK Tire Mart in Apopka. They treat people like shit.

Monday, March 10, 2008

And remember, if you want something in life...grab it.

Wow....a line in a movie, simple, yet profound. It spoke volumes. It set my sets my reality. It's time to act, and not react. I own my life....I make of it what I choose.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

And then it hit me...

So here I am, sitting her in a hotel room on the Space Coast, crying my eyes out. It's finally hit me...I came to the realization of the pain and sadness my friend is feeling right now. It became real, it became true, it became reality.

I am sad this week. I am broken-hearted. I have come to the realization that life often makes no sense and sometimes things happen that are not meant to be understood.

Saturday night, my friend of 21 year's husband passed away, unexpectedly. Admittedly, I didn't know him well. After 21 years of friendship, my friend and I don't talk everyday, and often months would go by that we wouldn't speak at all. It's not ok, but after that long, you stop being friends and are family...and that happens with family. Even though the time passes, I feel like I never skip a beat with her - it's as if it's not necessary to talk all the time.

I didn't really get to know her husband all that well. I met and spent time with him a few times, and he seemed nice. It made me happy to see her happy, and to hear that he cared for her daughter from a previous relationship as if she was his own. I can't honestly say I knew him....I wish I would have had the opportunity. But knowing, that even if for a short time, he made my friend, my sister, happy, that's enough for me.

I logged onto myspace and looked down to see her myspace photo. And there they stood, happy as could be. I had to click...I had to look closer. And then it hit me. He's gone. At 36 years old, he was taken from this world, leaving behind a wife, a six month old, and a broken hearted little girl.

I mourn the loss...for my friend, for his and her family, for the children, for the friendship I didn't really get the chance to develop. She deserves so much more than this...

Tomorrow is the viewing. It just doesn't seem real. This shouldn't be happening. I want to fix it. I want to make it better for her. How do you mend a broken heart? How do I help? What do I do?

Sunday, January 27, 2008

An Open Letter to Men...

(Editorial note: This is written to be silly. I am meaning no arrogance by it. Ben says it sounds arrogant.)

Dear Men:

Let me begin this letter by saying thank you for your adoration and affection. I appreciate that you appreciate me and my fellow women. However, I feel as though it is necessary to provide you with some open and honest feedback about your approach to females and the subsequent flirting, lack of flirting, ogling, and down right embarrassing tactics to get my attention.

First of all, I get it. I'm cute. I'm big breasted, shapely, with a fairly nice ass. I realize that my body is far from perfect, but that I present a buxom look that a lot of men go for. I recognize this as well as that it is in men's nature to look. However, please allow me to provide you with the following feedback:

- When glancing my way, make it less obvious. The once over, followed by the slow pass over my breasts is far more obvious than you think. I'm not blind…I'm know what you're doing. I simply choose to ignore your glances because…well….I find you annoying.

- When trying to be more obvious about your intentions to check me out, please make them less disgusting. While I like being checked out (let's face it, we all do), I don't like feeling like some complete stranger knows what my naughty bits look like. The ogle is much better form when paired with a smile or a wink, and not a whistle or a "hey baby."

- If you are so inclined as to approach me and actually speak to me, please note that my eyes and breasts are not on the same level. My eyes are actually more than a foot above my breast line. You are likely to actually get a response from me if you look me somewhat in my face, or at some point at least glance away from my chest. Oh, and let me go ahead and answer those burning questions of yours': yes, they are real, yes, they are nice, and no, you can't touch them.

- Why would you ask to touch them? They're not your's. God did not grace you with breasts for a reason. God did not grace you with MY breasts for a reason. While, in the heat of the moment with my husband, I tend to like my breasts being touched, no where in that sentence does it say that I want YOU to touch them. Try it, and see what happens. No…seriously. I encourage you.

- Which brings me to my next point: I am married. If the shiny gold diamond ring on my left hand didn't give it away, you would think the fact that I told you I am married would. I am not interested in you, your talents, your skills, or why you think you are better than my husband. Believe me, you aren't. I have no interest in what you have to offer and WILL be going home to my husband, and not your bachelor pad.

- Why do you feel that the wedding ring on my left hand is a green light? Yes, I am married. Yes, that is a real wedding ring you see on my left hand. No, I'm not interested in sleeping with you. No, I'm not interested in you at all. Yes, I am happy with my husband. No, I'm not interested in a threesome.

- On the off chance that you impress me enough to converse with you, please keep the conversation going. I'm not talking to you because I'm wondering what you look like without your pants on. I recognize that you are truly interested in ogling my breasts, but that you are one of the few savvy men that understand that a little chat goes a long way. Yes, I realize that you are not listening to what I have to say. Sadly, you don't realize that I have no interest in what you have to say. I just appreciate that you have made an effort at being more direct but respectful at wanting to ogle at my breasts.

- Just because I wear a low or lower cut shirt, does not mean I am a tramp. I have nice breasts. We have established this. I recognize this….after all, I have seen them every day of my life. Like I mentioned before, I appreciate the looks….but, there's a difference between class and trash. I leave enough to the imagination….and that's all. It will not get to be more than that….no matter how hard you try. But please, by all means, feel free to buy me that $10 drink, chat with me so I can act like I'm listening, and get your obvious glances at my ample bosom out of your system. Your $10 Jack and Diet entrance fee is fair game for a good look at the girls…..but, that's as far as it goes. You will not be seeing more of me than you currently are.

- If you buy me a drink, AND I accept it, the next step is not bed. I've accept it with the understanding that I'm going to have to socialize with you and accept your flirting with light-heartedness. Keep this in perspective. You spent $10 on me….it's going take a lot more than that to get in my pants. Suggest it, and you'll be wearing that drink.

Please do not take any of this as a lack of appreciation for your adoration. While I love the attention, I believe that if your energy was better directed, your results will be exponentially higher. I wish you luck with your quest to find that buxom girl of your fantasies….but, please....heeding my feedback will likely get you that buxom girl that much faster.

Best wishes and happy ogling!


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Can you get arrested for a pre-meditated wreck?

Ok, so here's the deal. I've had enough. I've decided that I'm gonna do what I've been saying for year's I'm gonna do. It's time I take action into my own hands.

I came to this realization on my way home from the grocery store this evening. I was minding my own business, driving slightly over the speed limit when a car crossed two lanes of traffic, "like totally paused" in the median, and pulled out in front of my vehicle with less than 20 feet between my 55 mile per hour moving Jeep and the side of his vehicle. In order to avoid an expensive end to his poor judgment call, I swirved my SUV into the adjacent lane (the EMPTY lane, mind you), and laid on the horn for good measure. After saying several explitives and cutting him off (one good deed deserves another, right?), I made the decision that I was going to take action into my hands.

So, here's the plan. I'm going to by an old car, something unimpressive, with a really shitty body, but that's built like a tank. I'm going to have Ben fashion a full restraint in the car, a neck support, and I'm going to buy a helmet. Then, I'm gonna set out on the road. I will drive normal, safe, and with a sensible mind. However, if somebody decides to act like the fool ealier tonight, I will not swirve. I will not move. I will plow into their precious car at full speed, without breaking, to help make them realize how absolutely stupid, inconsiderate, and dangerous they are. The best part - I lose nothing. I am the one protected, with the crappy tank of a car, that can handle the damage. Them....probably not so much.

So, here's my only thought....can I get in trouble or arrested for pre-meditation? I mean, if I have the helmet, the restraint, all the protection I need, and I don't even try to brake, despite the fact that it's their fault, can I get in trouble?

Sounds great, right? Maybe I'll start a new business. Anyone interested?

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

New Year's Resolution Update...

It's 2008, and time for a final review of my 2007 new year's resolutions, as well as making my 2008 resolutions.

- Spend more time with my husband. Individual time...quality time. Not, let's run to the grocery store time. So, overall, I think we've done better at this. Definitely can work towards more in 2008, but I think our time together may have become more limited at times, it was quality when we had it.

- Further my education. This does not have to be in the form of actual schooling, but I want to learn more about something. It doesn't even have to be school related, or degree related. I just want to enlighten myself more. Anyone have any suggestions? I have read, read, and read somemore. I've learned some more. Goals for 2008: look into Graduate school more actively and learn to scrapbook.

- Focus on my health. Ah, the innevitable blip about how I do not focus enough on my health goals, and therefore every year challenge myself to do something about it. This year will be no different. At least, in the challenge that is. Hopefully, with some due dilegence, the outcome will change. Focus includes getting rid of excess weight, unwanted cough, blood pressure medicine, and crazy pills. Crazy pills would be an amazing feat....those are likely with me for life. So my health has been a bit of a rollercoaster....but overall, it's been much better than before. I haven't stuck to the gym like I should, but I have dropped approximately 15 lbs since last year that has remained off, and overall I feel healthier than ever.

- Be happier. Stop going through the motions of life and enjoy them. Take some time to stop and smell the roses. Definitely made huge strides here. I have stopped to smell a lot of roses, and worried a lot less.

- See friends and family more. Spend that free time seeing people that you don't normalily get to. See friends as much as possible. Visit family as much as possible. Friends has gotten needs to be seen more.

- Plan outings. Go to them. That's gonna be carried over to 2008.

- Eliminate something significant off that "always wanted to do list." Current ideas: make the t-shirt quilt (this could also serve as the education, since I would need both to complete this task), jump out of a plane, visit California, just to name a few. Ideas? Ok, so I've done a lot of firsts this year....and still coming up with new ones all the time.

- Get myself promoted and out of this current position as near as possible to September 1st. This goal is actually carried over from 2006, but can not be accomplished earlier than the September 1st date. I told myself I'd be in this position for a year...Sept. 1st will be the one year date. Yeah....that's a mess.

- Do not quit my job in March. Sounds silly, I know, but I have a track record of 3.5 years with a company. March 07 will be my 3.5 year mark. I don't have any intentions of leaving, and do not really want to, but it all starts out that way. If I do leave, make it worth while. Still there and ticking!

- Love more, argue less. Smile more, pout less. Definitely improved.

- Overcome my cold calling weaknesses. Not even a fear anymore.

- Don't get fired. So, I don't think I'm at risk, never know. =)

- Learn to love my current position. Yeah, another long storry.

- Complete this list prior to December 31, 2007. Not bad....