Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Beautiful Girl

In your life, you often find a line from a movie that will touch you deeply...make you think, change the way you think, or open your eyes to a completely different view. I love movies. I love the brilliant writers that write brilliant dialouge between characters that touches your heart and your soul. Most of the time, you find that in B movies. Deep movies very rarely make it to "A" status. If so, I think it would be safe to say that it's typically for the wrong reason, and has nothing to do with the story or the characters, but the hype that has been played in order to make lots of money.

In 1994, a brilliant movie was released that never did well in the theaters. Beautiful Girls was a story about a group of people who grew up together, in a small town, and were trying to make a go of their lives. Their various dramas played out as the protaginist returned to his hometown for the high school reunion. This list of well known actors is long, and well versed. And the writers...well, were downright brilliant.

If you have never seen this film, you must. It's that simple. It's about relationships, about women and men understanding women and the complexity of a woman. The piece below is my favorite part from the's fairly insignificant for the story line, but beautiful and has stayed with me for 14 years. I hope you appreciate it as much as I do.

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