Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Isn't it ironic...don't you think?

So, it's funny how things happen. I graduated from UCF not much more than a month and a half ago, nine years after beginning my college career. My marketing degree quickly proved useful as I was handpicked for a promotion into the Disney Sales & Marketing representative for the company. Three weeks into my role, and after beginning to pick up momentum (as well as being complemented by my three most immediate bosses), I have learned some news that significantly effects my career: In an ironic twist of fate, I have lost my job today.

Well, let me rephrase - my position has been eliminated, and I have/will be reassigned. But I digress.... As our company has been going through changes, many positions have been shifted and changed. However, there has been a huge push for Sales and Marketing. In the goals for fiscal year 07, growing local market and hitting sales targets were amongst the top initiatives.... so believe my surprise when we all found out today that as of September 1st, our services as Senior Customer Consultants (Sales Managers) will no longer be needed.

The good news is that I have not lost my job entirely - I will still have an opportunity to be employed by the company, in one of the following three positions: Senior Project Coordinator, Senior Retail Specialist, or Account Executive. Senior Project Coordinator is a glorified Project Manager, more or less overseeing the Production team and the projects that are in house. Not my cup of tea. Senior Retail Specialist is a glorified greeter, and I would be standing in self service, assisting our customers that walk into the branch. Also not my cup of tea. But the Account Executive position - definitely more my speed.

Here's the thing about the Account Executive position - it's working for the Sales department (not Marketing) and is the beginning stages of taking me down a path that I am desperately trying to avoid - Sales (10 years is enough already!). However, Sales makes for a fairly easy transistion into Marketing, and could be the incentive I need to move into a role I desire.

I don't mean to be cocky, but I'm almost guaranteed the position of Account Executive, barring any surprises (along the lines of eliminating positions - i.e. our company is full of surprises). I've been told I have a spot in sales by the current boss of the department, have been told by my District Manager that I'm the best SCC they have, and have a proven track record in all aspects of the areas they want this person to excel in. The bad though, is that out of the 600+ SCC's being laid off, there are only 130 Account Executive positions being opened and no guarantee as to which geographic areas they will be opened in.

So, overall, I'm up shit's creek, possibly without a paddle. I will apply for the Account Executive position (keep your fingers crossed for me), and hope for the best, but will also try to brace myself for the worst. Part of me is pissed that they have allowed for me to make these goals and changes, knowing that my position will be eliminated. I also feel like I've been given false promises from people - but take into account that I'm a bit emotional, as I've been told that my position is gone.

So, isn't it ironic that $20,000 later, 9 years of blood sweat and tears, stress, and the whole nine yards, I end up being in this situation. And here, I thought that my degree was going to help me.

AA Degree from Valencia Community College - $5,000

Bachelor's degree from University of Central Florida - $20,000

Nine years of dreaming to get somewhere due to my degree, only to find out that it has hurt you in the end: Priceless.

Some things money can't buy....for everything else, there's.....

Sunday, June 18, 2006

You take the good, you take the bad, you take it all and then you have...

The facts of life....

So, I offically started the new job, full time as of this past Monday. After about two weeks of sheer exhaustion, I'm finally beginning to settle. I trained my replacement with half days, running between both locations as I was trained in my new role. I met with so many people that I started to get my wires crossed....as I told the girl that was training me, "I think I'm headed for a system meltdown."

Here's my review at this point: I am a glorified Disney Project Manager. For those of you that don't work for our company, that essentially means that I am overseeing all projects for Disney from start to completion. Which is fine, if it wasn't for the fact that I was hired to sell. Selling is what I do....and I do it well...hence, the promotion.

I'm not unhappy, but I'm a bit frustrated at this point that my talents are not being used to the best of our advantage. I'm sure as I get acclimated, I will be able to transition things and get myself more into the role that I was hired for. Believe me, I'm not trying to rock the boat. I just wish I could use my talents to boost business....and not fill out paperwork. I'm sure it will get better. I'm not ready to throw in my hat or anything, I'm just a bit disappointed as to what I have been doing thus far.

The good is that I am getting an assistant come August, and will be able to train her to do whatever it is I want. Therefore, I think that my goal is to get her to essentially be the Disney Project Manager, and allow myself the opportunity to get out on property and sell, sell, sell. I think that's the goal of my manager as well, but he's putting it in my hands.

The great is that it has cut off 15 - 20 minutes of my drive time everyday, and is a much more pleasant drive at that. I'm not due in until 9am (hurray!!!) and am able to hit Starbuck's every morning before going into work (yeah and ouch!!!). I moved my gym to Dr. Phillip's (which is on the way home), and am now at a much nicer location. The people are a bit snootier, but whatever.

The bad....well, why is it that there's always a bad when there's a good? Yin and Yang? Is that the deal? My dear friend lost his father recently, and is struggling with the loss. It wasn't a surprise...he's been sick for a while...but at the same time, he was sick for so long that it still came as a bit of a shock. I think we all expected it for a while, but has gotten used to the almost...so when it finally happened, we were all a bit surprised. His memorial was nice, and I think it memorialized him well....I just wish that I could make it easier on the family. I know there's nothing I can do but be there, but I hate to see them in so much pain...

Also, one of my friends and co-workers from OBT just got hired in our corporate office in Dallas, yet another one of our team to be headed to corporate. I hope we'll see her there soon!

I'm adapting to life without school - working on project after project. I'm excited to have things to do with my self besides studying....and I'm excited to have made a career change.

Saturday, June 3, 2006

Changes in Attitude, Changes in Lattitude

Starting Monday the 12th, I will be at a new job. Still within the same company, but I have accepted a position working as the Disney rep, out of our Lake Buena Vista office. It's a lateral promotion, as I will be doing the same job, with the same pay, but with much more prestige. I will, however, be working with one account and one Major Account Manager, who is focused on my growth and development. She knows my goals within the company and my interests, and is willing to help me reach that goal. Holly, the MAM, is well connected and wants to develop me to keep me long term. She asked me to give her 6 months to a year to get me developed and out of that role and into a Marketing or Sales position....so, I've taken the hit by making a lateral change (with a small non-monitary promotion) in order to hopefully hit it big soon. I've been a bit negative about the move, since I didn't spend 9 years in college to be making no more money....but I also realize that realistically, I'm making good money to begin with, and new grads usually have much shittier jobs than me. I also realize that they approached me for this role, and were doing everything they could to get me into it....therefore, I realize that those out there within the company are interested in me growing. So, I'm excited. Therefore, changes in attitude, changes in latitude....nothing will be quite the same!