Sunday, June 22, 2008

I feel like blogging, but I don't know what to say...

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.... I have no idea why I had the desire to say that. But I felt it necessary.

Ok, in all reality, like the title, I feel the urge to blog, without any reason to...I guess an update is in order.

Work is good and things are looking up. I've been travelling a lot of the past couple of months for work , and I think I'm travelling again out of state in August. In the meantime, I have picked up Daytona, and also still have the Space Coast, so I feel like I'm constantly needing to be somewhere other than where I am. It's a little bit of a restless feeling, but I'm sure it will go away once things settle down a bit.

Speaking of travelling, I've used my work trips to my advantage. In addition, I just recently spent some time in S. Florida, and got to see my family. Short but nice...and a nice escape to my ever busy days.

Ben and I are going on vacation at the end of this week. His sister is getting married, and we decided to spend some time enjoying the beauty of Florida that neither of us have seen...we're spending a couple days in the Keys, and stopping by to see my family in the process (they don't know it I've lived my entire life in Florida and never been to the keys (with the exception of a night in question with the neighbor in which we drove 5 hours down a dark turnpike, dealt with the cops once we arrived, fought with nasty relatives, and a emptied a raided home, only to return back to dear sweet Ocoee before the sun arose...adventuresome, let me tell you).

My surgery is headed towards approval, but I have run into a snaffoo along the way. The surgeron I had selected abruptly left the practice, and I have the option of following him to his not yet open practice and waiting for everything to happen, or working with another surgeon that I know nothing about, and having the actual surgery done in St. Augustine instead of at home. I've gotten some great advice from friends about the whole thing, and I'm proceeding with their, only time will tell. I'm tired of the waiting game though... I'm ready to get past this step.

The puppies are beautiful as always and are currently laying on their asses acting like they do something useful for a living, and therefore deserve a quiet's nice rest...which I assure you will be taken by pinning me into bed and cutting off all oxygen and circulation simultaneously (ah, how I love my babies! )

Ben's fabulous as always...a little stressed with work and changes, but doing well. His schedule has shifted and he's had a hard time adjusting, but gets more rest in the process I believe. His garage has slowed down a bit by his choice, and him and I have been diligently working on the overhaul of the house (the master bathroom is near finished!).

Well, that's all for now...guess I found plenty to say. =)

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