Sunday, June 18, 2006

You take the good, you take the bad, you take it all and then you have...

The facts of life....

So, I offically started the new job, full time as of this past Monday. After about two weeks of sheer exhaustion, I'm finally beginning to settle. I trained my replacement with half days, running between both locations as I was trained in my new role. I met with so many people that I started to get my wires I told the girl that was training me, "I think I'm headed for a system meltdown."

Here's my review at this point: I am a glorified Disney Project Manager. For those of you that don't work for our company, that essentially means that I am overseeing all projects for Disney from start to completion. Which is fine, if it wasn't for the fact that I was hired to sell. Selling is what I do....and I do it well...hence, the promotion.

I'm not unhappy, but I'm a bit frustrated at this point that my talents are not being used to the best of our advantage. I'm sure as I get acclimated, I will be able to transition things and get myself more into the role that I was hired for. Believe me, I'm not trying to rock the boat. I just wish I could use my talents to boost business....and not fill out paperwork. I'm sure it will get better. I'm not ready to throw in my hat or anything, I'm just a bit disappointed as to what I have been doing thus far.

The good is that I am getting an assistant come August, and will be able to train her to do whatever it is I want. Therefore, I think that my goal is to get her to essentially be the Disney Project Manager, and allow myself the opportunity to get out on property and sell, sell, sell. I think that's the goal of my manager as well, but he's putting it in my hands.

The great is that it has cut off 15 - 20 minutes of my drive time everyday, and is a much more pleasant drive at that. I'm not due in until 9am (hurray!!!) and am able to hit Starbuck's every morning before going into work (yeah and ouch!!!). I moved my gym to Dr. Phillip's (which is on the way home), and am now at a much nicer location. The people are a bit snootier, but whatever.

The bad....well, why is it that there's always a bad when there's a good? Yin and Yang? Is that the deal? My dear friend lost his father recently, and is struggling with the loss. It wasn't a surprise...he's been sick for a while...but at the same time, he was sick for so long that it still came as a bit of a shock. I think we all expected it for a while, but has gotten used to the when it finally happened, we were all a bit surprised. His memorial was nice, and I think it memorialized him well....I just wish that I could make it easier on the family. I know there's nothing I can do but be there, but I hate to see them in so much pain...

Also, one of my friends and co-workers from OBT just got hired in our corporate office in Dallas, yet another one of our team to be headed to corporate. I hope we'll see her there soon!

I'm adapting to life without school - working on project after project. I'm excited to have things to do with my self besides studying....and I'm excited to have made a career change.

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