So, it's funny how things happen. I graduated from UCF not much more than a month and a half ago, nine years after beginning my college career. My marketing degree quickly proved useful as I was handpicked for a promotion into the Disney Sales & Marketing representative for the company. Three weeks into my role, and after beginning to pick up momentum (as well as being complemented by my three most immediate bosses), I have learned some news that significantly effects my career: In an ironic twist of fate, I have lost my job today.
Well, let me rephrase - my position has been eliminated, and I have/will be reassigned. But I digress.... As our company has been going through changes, many positions have been shifted and changed. However, there has been a huge push for Sales and Marketing. In the goals for fiscal year 07, growing local market and hitting sales targets were amongst the top initiatives.... so believe my surprise when we all found out today that as of September 1st, our services as Senior Customer Consultants (Sales Managers) will no longer be needed.
The good news is that I have not lost my job entirely - I will still have an opportunity to be employed by the company, in one of the following three positions: Senior Project Coordinator, Senior Retail Specialist, or Account Executive. Senior Project Coordinator is a glorified Project Manager, more or less overseeing the Production team and the projects that are in house. Not my cup of tea. Senior Retail Specialist is a glorified greeter, and I would be standing in self service, assisting our customers that walk into the branch. Also not my cup of tea. But the Account Executive position - definitely more my speed.
Here's the thing about the Account Executive position - it's working for the Sales department (not Marketing) and is the beginning stages of taking me down a path that I am desperately trying to avoid - Sales (10 years is enough already!). However, Sales makes for a fairly easy transistion into Marketing, and could be the incentive I need to move into a role I desire.
I don't mean to be cocky, but I'm almost guaranteed the position of Account Executive, barring any surprises (along the lines of eliminating positions - i.e. our company is full of surprises). I've been told I have a spot in sales by the current boss of the department, have been told by my District Manager that I'm the best SCC they have, and have a proven track record in all aspects of the areas they want this person to excel in. The bad though, is that out of the 600+ SCC's being laid off, there are only 130 Account Executive positions being opened and no guarantee as to which geographic areas they will be opened in.
So, overall, I'm up shit's creek, possibly without a paddle. I will apply for the Account Executive position (keep your fingers crossed for me), and hope for the best, but will also try to brace myself for the worst. Part of me is pissed that they have allowed for me to make these goals and changes, knowing that my position will be eliminated. I also feel like I've been given false promises from people - but take into account that I'm a bit emotional, as I've been told that my position is gone.
So, isn't it ironic that $20,000 later, 9 years of blood sweat and tears, stress, and the whole nine yards, I end up being in this situation. And here, I thought that my degree was going to help me.
AA Degree from Valencia Community College - $5,000
Bachelor's degree from University of Central Florida - $20,000
Nine years of dreaming to get somewhere due to my degree, only to find out that it has hurt you in the end: Priceless.
Some things money can't buy....for everything else, there's.....
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