Wednesday, December 27, 2006

New Year's Resolutions...

It's that time again...time for the annual New Year's Resolutions. The time and space where we list the most ridiculous (and not so ridiculous) plans for 2007 to make ourselves better people, and to accomplish all those great things that seemingly become forgotten by February 1st. With that being said, I've begun my list for 2007:

- Spend more time with my husband. Individual time...quality time. Not, let's run to the grocery store time.

- Further my education. This does not have to be in the form of actual schooling, but I want to learn more about something. It doesn't even have to be school related, or degree related. I just want to enlighten myself more. Anyone have any suggestions?

- Focus on my health. Ah, the innevitable blip about how I do not focus enough on my health goals, and therefore every year challenge myself to do something about it. This year will be no different. At least, in the challenge that is. Hopefully, with some due dilegence, the outcome will change. Focus includes getting rid of excess weight, unwanted cough, blood pressure medicine, and crazy pills. Crazy pills would be an amazing feat....those are likely with me for life.

- Be happier. Stop going through the motions of life and enjoy them. Take some time to stop and smell the roses.

- See friends and family more. Spend that free time seeing people that you don't normalily get to. See friends as much as possible. Visit family as much as possible.

- Plan outings. Go to them.

- Eliminate something significant off that "always wanted to do list." Current ideas: make the t-shirt quilt (this could also serve as the education, since I would need both to complete this task), jump out of a plane, visit California, just to name a few. Ideas?

- Get myself promoted and out of this current position as near as possible to September 1st. This goal is actually carried over from 2006, but can not be accomplished earlier than the September 1st date. I told myself I'd be in this position for a year...Sept. 1st will be the one year date.

- Do not quit my job in March. Sounds silly, I know, but I have a track record of 3.5 years with a company. March 07 will be my 3.5 year mark. I don't have any intentions of leaving, and do not really want to, but it all starts out that way. If I do leave, make it worth while.

- Love more, argue less. Smile more, pout less.

- Overcome my cold calling weaknesses.

- Don't get fired.

- Learn to love my current position.

- Complete this list prior to December 31, 2007.

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