So, apparently, I have not given an update on my resolutions since February. I thought I had done some since then, but I guess not. Oops! So here's the update...:
- Spend more time with my husband. Individual time...quality time. Not, let's run to the grocery store time. Some days we fall into the old pattern, but for the most part, we're spending more time together. Definitely think the time is more quality now.
- Further my education. This does not have to be in the form of actual schooling, but I want to learn more about something. It doesn't even have to be school related, or degree related. I just want to enlighten myself more. Anyone have any suggestions? I've looked into Graduate school, but am mostly using my free time to educate myself on myself, via self help and self understanding books. Sounds a little strange, but it's actually quite enlightening. I'm also learning to be more creative and artistic.
- Focus on my health. Ah, the innevitable blip about how I do not focus enough on my health goals, and therefore every year challenge myself to do something about it. This year will be no different. At least, in the challenge that is. Hopefully, with some due dilegence, the outcome will change. Focus includes getting rid of excess weight, unwanted cough, blood pressure medicine, and crazy pills. Crazy pills would be an amazing feat....those are likely with me for life. Wow. So I haven't been to the gym in months. Not good. Good news is that they have opened one MUCH closer to me, and now I don't have that as an excuse (used to drive 30 minutes to get to gym). Strep throat, sinus infection, and bronchitis seem to be in check, and allergies are being worked on. Definitely headed in the right direction. Had a horrible bout with the flu a few weeks ago, but seem to be over it. Stomach problems got worse, and I finally decided that the way to fix it was to not eat. Yeah, that worked for all of like 4 hours. Instead, I decided to go to basic foods - brown rice, veggies, the like. Since I have done that, I have felt healthier than ever. I've also lost weight.....I have no idea how much, but I'm guessing around 20lbs. Great strides!
- Be happier. Stop going through the motions of life and enjoy them. Take some time to stop and smell the roses. I'm enjoying the little things more....but I do need to slow down.
- See friends and family more. Spend that free time seeing people that you don't normalily get to. See friends as much as possible. Visit family as much as possible. Was doing better at this....been shitty at it recently. I miss everyone....I need to get out there again.
- Plan outings. Go to them. A few outings planned...all gone on.
- Eliminate something significant off that "always wanted to do list." Current ideas: make the t-shirt quilt (this could also serve as the education, since I would need both to complete this task), jump out of a plane, visit California, just to name a few. Ideas? Ok, so I've done a lot of firsts this year....and still coming up with new ones all the time.
- Get myself promoted and out of this current position as near as possible to September 1st. This goal is actually carried over from 2006, but can not be accomplished earlier than the September 1st date. I told myself I'd be in this position for a year...Sept. 1st will be the one year date. So, I'm thinking that September 1st is rushing out of the job. It's gotten much, much better and I am actually enjoying it. While I still don't want to stay in Sales for the long run, I think I'm doing well right now and want to do this for a while longer.
- Do not quit my job in March. Sounds silly, I know, but I have a track record of 3.5 years with a company. March 07 will be my 3.5 year mark. I don't have any intentions of leaving, and do not really want to, but it all starts out that way. If I do leave, make it worth while. July and I'm still here. Seems I might have broken the trend. I'm at almost 4 years, still love the company, still like the job, still want to grow and stay and still happy. =) This is good!
- Love more, argue less. Smile more, pout less. I think I'm getting much better at this.
- Overcome my cold calling weaknesses. Not even a fear anymore. Every once in a while I get a bout of it, but more or less, no problem.
- Don't get fired. So, I don't think I'm at risk, never know. =)
- Learn to love my current position. Ok, love is a strong word. But I do like it...not willing to say a lot or quite a bit, but what I will say is that I am happy to get out of bed in the morning and go do my thing. And I think I'm getting good at it. But, I still don't love the Sales thing, and my heart is in Marketing....but I'm excited about where the prospects will take me!
- Complete this list prior to December 31, 2007. So I've got a few things to work on....but I'm doing pretty good!