Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Best advice ever given...

Okay, so, here's one to think about. What is the best advice that anyone has even given you? Share it....God knows we all could use the help!

The best advice I was every given (two actually):

1. Never take your next breath, knowing you've regretted one of your last. (i.e. Don't live in regret, esse).

2. Know when to keep your mouth shut. (As a child, I was always talking. One of my teachers told me this, and boy has that simple advice - likely given when I was tugging on her sanity - transcended some many years.)

Why oh why did I swallow that fly? I think I'll die!

Shitty news today...after my doctor's visit, I'm going in for eye surgery...unless a miracle happens. Oh, do I want a miracle. Blood pressures up, given a ton more drugs, etc....why am I only 24 years old, and I'm going through all this crap?!

Monday, January 16, 2006


So, this has started out to be a bit of a shitty year. My dearest friend is losing his dad, Teri passed on the first day... Just kinda sucks. I've worked more than I've played, been sick more than healthy....I'm tired, and disappointed. I am sure the year will get better, and I count my blessings for everything I have.... Just a bit disappointed in what 2006 has had to offer me thus far...

However, Ben and I did get a fat check from our refinance...so maybe I'm meant to be rich in 2006! LOL I guess it's time to start playing the lottery.